Zeus Boons

Billowing StrengthAfter using Call, you deal more damage for 15 secCommon: Bonus Damage: +20% Rare: +22% Epic: +24% Heroic: +30%
Clouded JudgmentYour God Gauge charges faster when you deal or take damageCommon: Faster Wrath Gain: +10% Rare: Multiplier: +12% Epic: +14% Heroic: +16%
Double StrikeYour lightning bolt effects have a chance to strike twiceCommon: Strike Chance: 25% Rare: 30% Epic: 35% Heroic: 40%
Electric ShotYour Cast is a burst of chain-lightning that bounces between foesCommon: Cast Damage: 60 Rare: 72 Epic: 84 Heroic: 96
Heaven’s VengeanceAfter you take damage, your foe is struck by lightningCommon: Revenge Damage: 80 Rare: 13. to 1.5 Epic: 1.8 to 2.0 Heroic: 2.3 to 2.5
High VoltageYour lightning bolt effects deal damage in a larger areaCommon: Bolt Area of Effect: +60% Rare: +72% Epic: +84% Heroic: +96%
Lightning ReflexesAfter you Dash just before getting hit, a bolt strikes a nearby foesCommon: Lightning Damage: 20 Rare: 30 Epic: 40 Heroic: 50
Lightning StrikeYour Attack emits chain-lightning when you damage a foeCommon: Lightning Damage: 10 Rare: 12.5 Epic: 15 Heroic: 20
Thunder DashYour Dash causes a lightning bolt to strike nearby foesCommon: Lightning Damage: 10 Rare: 13.3 Epic: 16.6 Heroic: 20
Thunder FlourishYour Special causes a lightning bolt to strike nearby foesCommon: Lightning Damage: 30 Rare: 37.5 Epic: 45 Heroic: 60
Static DischargeYour lightning effects also make foes JoltedCommon: Jolt Damage: 60 Rare: Multiplier: 1.3 to 1.5 Epic: 1.8 to 2.0 Heroic: 2.3 to 2.5
Storm LightningYour chain-lightning effects bounce more times before expiringCommon: Lightning Bounces: +2 Rare: Multiplier +4 Epic: +6 Heroic: +8
Zeus’ AidYour Call makes lightning strike nearby foes repeatedly for 1.5 sec.Common: Lightning Damage: 60 Rare: 66 Epic: 72 Heroic: 84
Categorieën: GAMES

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